How can Volunteers help?
As a volunteer, you have the time to listen in an unhurried way and offer companionship to the lonely, bored
and those who just need a listening ear and a gentle hand. You can also assist the residents to tell their life
In some cases the resident no longer has family or does not have family close by \Vho can visit. As a volunteer,
you can make a significant difference to the quality of life of our residents. }!}
For a wonderful article on how volunteering can change lives – read this beautiful story here “A Wonderful
What do Volunteers do?
The volunteer role is to strengthen the ability of the resident and sometimes their family, to cope with life and
to help them live as fully and richly as possible. Volunteers at the Home offer:
- Companionship
- Respect
- Empathy
- Emotional support
- Practical help
Some examples of what volunteers do:
- Listening and “being there” for the resident
- Reading and helping with letter writing
- Helping residents with their recreation and hobby activities
- Assisting staff with activities
- Accompanying residents on outings
- Hand and nail care
Become a volunteer todayl
To find out about our volunteer opportunities, please call our
Coordinator of Volunteer Services on 07 4787 4233 or contact us.